I'd like to report on some developments, and ask a question.
Back in October, I talked with Lance Fortnow (SIGACT chair) about the possibility of SIGACT taking over cstheory. The notion of 'taking over' was left fluid, because I wasn't sure what it would entail. However the idea was something along the lines of askubuntu.com, which represents a partnership between Canonical (the folks who make Ubuntu) and the ubuntu SE site.
The SIGACT EC met in early December, and approved going ahead with this plan, with me as the liaison (mainly because I have contact with the SE folks by virtue of being a moderator). SE is also quite gung-ho about this plan. I'm supposed to put together a list of things we'd like to see happen as part of this partnership, and Robert Cartaino encouraged me to think broadly about the list (even if everything on it isn't feasible at this time)
The Question: What concrete things would you like to see happen as part of such a partnership ?
As usual, one issue per answer, and I'll prepopulate with a few thoughts that I had.