My point in posting this question is to talk about increasing daily/weekly views, and general TCS community presence. The quality of posts so far has been excellent, from a diverse group of people, and as I write this, there are at least three posts in the pipeline to be written by contributors (i.e., not by the blog editors), so in that sense participation is good. Where we are falling down is that we are not being read by people outside of CSTheory itself, and the number of hits per day from internet searches is very low. I believe the second one is due to low blog pagerank, because my personal blog, which is updated far less often, gets much more traffic from searches (not counting searches for topical things like the hacker group Anonymous, which I have mentioned on my blog, but is not mentioned in the community blog).
I see the following steps we can take. Some Joe and I can just do, but others we need help on. Also, I'd very much like to hear the ideas of others.
Resolve once and for all our participation in the TOC Blog Aggregator. Once again, our post is not appearing there. I have no idea what the deal is, but this one step would double our traffic.
Produce a couple static pages with useful community content. I have some time this weekend, and I will put together the page on theoretical computer science conferences, now that the community wiki question I asked to gather that information has stabilized. Perhaps someone else could volunteer to produce a page on links to career advice, and other such resources? (If no one does, I will eventually get to it, but it might take a whiiiiile.)
Fully flesh out the blogroll and links of the blog. This includes having updates of other blogs when they put up a new post (so not just the names of the blogs, but one line snapshots into their content). Point being: there is a reason for a reader to stop by, even if we have not put up a new post in a few days. This also has the perhaps-more-important effect of making the blog appear more professional. (An Admin might have to do this step, not sure whether Joe and I can.)
Change the design so it looks professional and not tacky as hell. Part of the reason that I am disappointed we're not being picked up by the TOC Aggregator is that I much prefer reading posts on the Aggregator. The current sketchy non-design of our blog is not friendly to my eyes. Do we need to deal with SE on this? It would take 30 minutes max to download a WordPress theme, and that alone would raise our return traffic a nontrivial amount.
Okay, thanks. That's all I have for now. Comments and answers appreciated as always.