A recent example is 6 questions posted by turkistany.
Right now when I look at https://cstheory.stackexchange.com/questions?sort=newest I see the following 11 questions posted by him among the newest questions:
Best bounds for the longest path optimization problem in cubic Hamiltonian graph?
Is there a complexity theory analogue of Rice's theorem in computability theory?
What is the complexity of computing a compatible 3-coloring of a complete graph?
What is the most efficient algorithm to sample graphs with trivial automorphism groups ?
What are the best known upper bounds and lower bounds for computing O(log n)-Clique?
IMHO, this is not a nice practice, and I consider this as a possible sign that the author is not really interested in the questions (and maybe haven't spent much time trying to find out the answer by himself/herself).
Should we discourage this kind of behavior?
ps: I know that we are still in beta and this might be OK for this stage.