To those who vote to close non-theoretical-computer-science questions: Thank you for tidying up the website, but when you do so, could you please choose the precise reason?
Sometimes new users post questions not in theoretical computer science but in other fields of study such as physics and more applied side of computer science. Often many close-voters choose the following reason to close such questions:
Your question does not appear to be a research-level question in theoretical computer science. For more information about the scope, please see help center. Your question might be suitable for Computer Science which has a broader scope.
While it might be technically correct, this reason is very misleading, particularly for those not familiar with theoretical computer science such as the posters of those questions, because the bold part strongly suggests that the problem with the question is that it is not at the research level, whereas the real problem is that it is not a question in or about theoretical computer science. (Moreover, the question might even be a research question in the field which it belongs to.) If you are curious, the message quoted above was proposed to be used when a question was not research-level, so it is an abuse of this reason by all means in my opinion.
When you choose “off-topic” as the reason, you have an option to enter your custom reason instead of choosing one of the canned responses. Please use it instead. Unfortunately, a custom reason works differently from canned responses in that the custom reason is posted as a comment at the time you cast a vote, and I can imagine some circumstances in which you do not want to do this. But usually this should be fine.