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Questions tagged [citations]

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19 votes
5 answers

How will you cite a discussion on this site in your paper?

Should we just provide the link or write down the names of users whose responses were most useful?
Jagadish's user avatar
  • 1,965
14 votes
2 answers

BibTeX entry for citations

I just noticed that the BibTeX entry provided by the "cite" button on questions is not as good as it could be. For example, let's take the Problems Between P and NPC question. This is the BibTeX entry ...
Robin Kothari's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

What constitutes enough work to be cited or acknowledged?

In this question, I received a spot-on one line answer in a comment that referred me to a more extensive answer by someone else to a different question on MathOverflow. I plan to acknowledge David ...
Aaron Sterling's user avatar