It seems that overzealous folks at Area 51 closed the proposal without giving it a fair chance. (Dave Clarke)
is for mathematicians.
is for wannabe and newbie mathematicians.
is for computer scientists.
for wannabe and newbie computer scientists.
Some might say that you can ask your stupid non-research-level questions at math.SE. Well, most probably that won't work. For these reasons.
Such website can help beginners to get to "research level" quickly and then contribute to cstheroy.SE.
- UPDATE: Now there is one for Beginner Theoretical Computer Scientists!
- By newbie and wannabe I mean me :D
I have searched area51.SE but there is no such proposal currently.- Being a beginner I strongly feel need for beginner cstheory website.
So, should there be cstheory website for beginners? If yes, please suggest a good name for the same.