I think the site is doing very well thanks to our moderators and people who answer difficult questions. I see more and more famous names on the site, and according to Lance it has already become addictive (I personally have started showing symptoms of addiction, as I am learning a lot by reading questions and answers posted on the site).
However there is an issue that I want to bring up. I just wish there was a way to give experts a higher starting reputation as I feel some of them get frustrated when they start using the site as they cannot even leave a comment. A person who has used other SE sites starts with 101, an expert in theoretical computer science who has a long list of papers in FOCS and STOC starts with 1. This does not seem right to me. I don't know if it is against SE rules or possible at all, but I think it would be nice to manually give these people at least the same reputation that people who have used SE sites beforehand start with. Of course they earn reputation quickly, but the initial frustration can be a bar for active participation of more experts.